AirMedCare Network
AirMedCare Network is an alliance among Air Evac Lifeteam, Med-Trans Air Medical Transport, EagleMed, and REACH Air Medical Services, creating America’s largest air ambulance membership program. Your membership with Air Evac Lifeteam enrolls you in all 4 - giving you coverage in over 320 base locations across 38 states.
Time Means Everything... Especially In A Medical Emergency
In a life-or-limb threatening medical emergency, a successful patient recovery often depends on the amount of time it takes to deliver that patient to the hospital.
Peace Of Mind - Protect You And Your Family Financially
Even with medical insurance, an air medical transport can leave you with unexpected expenses. When you become a member, you will have no out-of-pocket flight expenses if you are flown by one of their participating providers. Whatever your health insurance benefits provider pays will be considered payment in full.
Georgia Farm Bureau Member Discount
Members of Georgia Farm Bureau are eligible for a special “members-only” rate.
How It Works
You're in an accident or have a medical emergency.
Air evacuation is determined to be your fastest and safest option.
Air Evac Lifeteam flies you to the nearest appropriate hospital.
To enroll, call 800-793-0010 or contact your local County Farm Bureau. Be sure to provide the Georgia Farm Bureau Member Code to receive the "members-only” rate.
GFB Member Code: 7809
You can also enroll online. Just click on the Enroll button and use this
Online-Only Member Code: 7809-GA-BUS
For additional information, please contact your local County Farm Bureau, call Member Services at 800-633-5432 (option 1) or send an e-mail to